I've been a pretty sporadic blogger as of late. I apologize for that. I only really have the energy to do so much in a day...and after sitting in front of a computer at work for 8 hours - my idea of fun doesn't involve sitting in front of the computer again. Anywho, here's a few updates.
Baby Update:
Little "Ace" is still growing and growing. He's up to just shy of 4 pounds and 17 inches this week (according to babycenter...it all varies widely depending on "who" you ask). Baby center also compares him to a jicama (weight-wise), but I've never personally purchased a 4 pound jicama.
As he gets bigger, I feel him move less - which, of course, induces moments of pregnant panic that he hasn't moved. However, if I take a drink of ice water or pay close enough attention, it's typically only a matter of minutes before he gives me a good kick to remind me he's doing great in there.
A visit the chiropractor has helped relieve some pelvic pain I had been experiencing (I guess I'm carrying this dude a bit low). I'm glad I went to the chiropractor - because it was getting to the point where rolling over in bed and walking were really painful. Now? No pain.
Overall, I'm still doing great. I can still shave my legs and touch my toes (kind of - I wasn't really great at that to begin with). Picking up things I have dropped on the floor is a slow process, but I can do it.
Baby boy is still without a name. Every now and then I'll give Geoff the "Quick, if he was born right now, what would you name him?" question. But, Geoff's answers are getting weirder and weirder by the day. So, I think it's his way of secretly willing me to stop. At this rate, he's going to end up "unnamed baby" Parker. We'll just call him dude.
Non-baby-related Updates:
School is in full swing for Geoff. It's been a good semester so far for him. He's taking four classes (Accounting, Business Ethics, Business Writing, and Economics). It's a lot to take on with a full-time work schedule and a baby on the way, but he's managing. I'm so proud of him and how hard he is working. As a college grad, I know how much all the hard work will pay off in the end, but I never had to shoulder so much life responsibility while attending classes, so I can only understand a portion of the stress he's managing.
I put up most of our Halloween decorations last night. It makes me awfully happy to pull out my smiling pumpkins and ghosts and get things looking a little festive. I'm notoriously picky about my decorations, so I don't have a ton of them, but, strategically placed, they give the house a fall vibe and I'm loving it.
We bought a display table (for lack of a better explanation) for our dining room recently - and it has really helped turn the dining room into a room. Haha. It used to just be the dining table. So, that's been fun. It was really the last room in our house that needed those finishing touches.
Speaking of purchases. We are, somehow, back in the market for a car. Due to the unfortunate accident while trying to sell Geoff's car and the TERRIBLE service and timing from the insurance company, we missed the weather window to sell the Nissan. So, we're preparing to put it back in storage for the winter. As such, we need a second car for the winter. We've scraped together some measly dollars and cents and are looking to outfit ourselves with a clunker for the winter. Then, come spring, we'll give selling the Nissan another go and then invest in a real car. Hopefully the last one we'll be purchasing for a good long while. In four years of marriage we've had more cars than apartments/houses (and we've had 5 of those!). Luckily, the longer we have the Nissan, the more 'equity' we build in that car. I know, whoever heard of equity in a car...but we have a lot of equity in that car already. So, cheers to that!
Anywho, this is getting really long, so I'll stop. I'll try to update more often!