
Day Eighteen: Something You Miss

Something I Miss

For those of you how have only known the Amanda that has existed for the past few years, it may come as a surprise to know that just a few years ago I was very fit.  I went to the gym 6 days a week (for over a year straight) and could keep up with the best of them. 

I miss that.  I really do love to exercise. I miss feeling like I can move with ease and run and jump and be active without difficulty.  I think probably the biggest trial when trying to get back into shape is how clunky and uncoordinated and simply not fit that you feel. 

Okay - so I wasn't quite THAT fit. ;) But, admit it, Jake (a college friend and roommate of my bro) and I look pretty convincing.  Cougar tailgating - something else I miss!
Last night, as a matter of fact, I signed up for a 30 day trial with a local gym and have the goal to get there 5 days a week (I did make it to my first day yesterday).  I did day one of this 4 Week Beginners Running Program (thanks, Pinterest!).  It was hard.  Embarrassingly so.  But, I'm going to stick with it because I know the results are worth it!

If I can make it through the four weeks, I'm considering signing up for the Fargo Marathon 5k or 10k.  We'll see. 

1 comment:

  1. Goooooooooopop Amanda! I was inspired by the cheer leading outfit, I guess. Or reminiscing on my cheer leading days when we were in that competition but the girls from the school in the urban city beat us and ... Oh wait. That was a movie.

    Bring it on!
