

6 months ago I never thought my life would be normal again.  I never thought I manage to cook a meal, clean the dishes, renovate a bathroom (ha!), plant a garden, or reorganize a basement - let alone complete an 8 hour work day, every day.  6 months ago I just thought I'd be lucky to sleep a full night or manage to eat breakfast ever again. 

And now, 6 months later, life IS normal.  A bit of an ammended version of normal - but a great kind of normal.  Will is now old enough to more-or-less entertain himself for 30-60 minutes.  This means he can come outside in his exer-saucer or his pack and play and join me in the sunshine while I pull weeds or tend to my garden.  He can join me in the kitchen and giggle at me while I try to remember where I now keep the pasta since I reorganized in there.  Or watching me intently as I make a mess pureeing his favorites. 

He now goes to sleep without much of a fuss around 7:45pm each night, leaving me ample room to clean up a bit or tend to whatever tasks I neglected the day before (or to neglect whatever tasks I want to put off until tomorrow). 

Life is surprisingly - normal.  So normal, in fact, that sometimes I can't even remember what life was like before Will joined us.

I'm so grateful to be his mama. 

In other news: we planted a garden in our garden area of our yard.   Tomatoes, peppers, peas, green beans, radishes, carrots, and summer squash are all (hopefully) on their way to us. 

Will had his 6 month check up.  6 months!  He weighed in a 15.1 pounds and 25.25 inches.  He's a little dude, but healthy and happy.  I keep telling him he can stay little as long as he wants!  :)  When Geoff was 6 months old, he weighed in a 14.4 pounds and 25.25 inches.  Very similar men in my life!
I miss blogging.  I used to be kind of good at this.  I'm going to try to figure out how to get back into the blogging swing of things.  Maybe go back to public...

1 comment:

  1. My friends are sad that they can no longer rad your blog. Just FYI.

    In other news, I loved your post!
