Having an anniversary fall on a Wednesday has all the makings of lame. But, if you are like us, you can find a way to drag that anniversary out over the week and the weekend. Haha.
Geoff and I found numerous ways to celebrate our third year together. He picked me up from the airport Tuesday night (the 17th) and brought me a beautiful bouquet.

He brought me home where I immediately noticed the new furniture out on our balcony. I've been begging for furniture out there for months now. What good is a balcony when you don't use it! Geoff knew exactly the right furniture to get for me - and it was the perfect surprise. The chairs recline nearly into a lying position and each chair has a side table for (obviously) our sodas.
Wednesday (our actual anniversary) was a busy day for us. Geoff works with the 11-year old scouts and I'm the achievement days leader, so, we went out for lunch, but overall, we didn't get to do much celebrating that day.
Thursday we woke up early and I make German Pancakes for breakfast. We ate outside on the balcony in our fantastic new furniture, with the dogs at our feet. Thursday night I went to a minor league baseball game with my co-workers. Geoff opted to have a night to himself (can't blame him, our lives get kinda busy sometimes!).
Friday we went out to Chili's for the 2 for $20 dinner deal. We also watched our netflix "Curious Case of Benjamin Button". Truthfully, I fell asleep about 2 hours in. But, that's not a surprise. I hardly ever make it through a movie.
Saturday we woke up to a gorgeous day and went out to embark on a project I've been wanting to do for a long time. We went to downtown Fargo with our camera and took pictures of letters from the signs on local businesses (or wherever we could find letters, as evidenced by the K on the water tower) in order to spell our last name. It turned out fantastic and was tons of fun. That night, we rented Alice In Wonderland from redbox.

Sunday I, once again, took advantage of my balcony and read for an hour out in the warm summer air. We played some Rock Band, did some crochet, just had a lovely day together.
All in all it was a lovely few days and a wonderful way to start year number 4 together.
Love you so much, Geoff.