Rather than try to recap everything we've been up to, I'll do a little photo essay going back to mid-June when Geoff's family came out to visit and took us back to Utah with them up through the 4th of July. And, of course, most of the photos will be Will. But, Geoff and I were around, too. :)
Geoff and his family took the ferry from San Francisco - I couldn't go, but this pic makes up for it. |
We went to the Monterey Bay Aquarium. This is me and Geoff's sister Steffanie. |
Here is Steffanie and another one of Geoff's sisters Angelica looking lovely! |
Here's almost all us ladies. Not sure where Becca is! Left-Right: Jen, Me, Steffanie (quite pregnant for a 12 hour road trip!), Angelica, Shelley) |
Jellyfish at the aquarium. |
Will seems to have inherited my proclivity of squeezing one's head into banisters. Luckily these ones outside the aquarium are too close together to get stuck. |
Walking back from the aquarium. |
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Will being quite a charmer at the Parker family reunion in Utah. All afternoon at a park? He was in heaven! |
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At the family reunion Will had a blast running and tagging all the bases on the softball field. |
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Back home and Will has finally embraced the joy of slides. |
9th Street Park is about a 10 minute walk from our house and I just LOVE to take Will there. I mean look at the view from the swings! |
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Into July now. July 2nd - story time with Grandma and cousin Cole at Grandma's house. |
Getting ready for the 3rd of July parade - kisses from Will. |
Blowing bubbles at the 4th of July barbecue. He won't let me do anything for him anymore. Even holding the bubble jar was a fight. |
At one point he got his sunglasses out and just cruised around the barbecue like the cool guy he is. |
He thought the fireworks were AMAZING. |
Fun! We love the aquarium! :) so fun to have so much time with family lately! Mr. Will is getting so big! We need to get together SOON! :)